The 15 Commitments for 2022

I was introduced to The 15 Commitments from the Conscious Leadership Group at a leadership course I took a few years ago. They are inspiring and represent excellent guidelines for life, whether or not you’re in a leadership role. Recently, I read Gary Vaynerchuck’s book, Twelve and a Half, and was reminded of the 15 commitments. There is some overlap between the two, and I recommend that you read Gary’s book and follow the exercise below. Twelve and a Half takes some of these values and demonstrates how to apply them in situations you may encounter. Then Gary provides exercises for you to complete to apply the values in your life.

For the 15 Commitments, I recommend that you select each one of the commitments below and add them to your electronic calendar, whatever that is, as a recurring appointment. Focus on one commitment a week, so you would have a recurring appointment for week one for the first commitment, another for the second commitment for week two, through 15 weeks. Then read and commit to them every day. Visit the Conscious Leadership Group for more information and resources.

Here are The 15 Commitments:

  1. I commit to taking full responsibility for the circumstances of my life, and my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. I commit to support others to take full responsibility for their lives.

  2. I commit to growing in self-awareness. I commit to regarding every interaction as an opportunity to learn. I commit to curiosity as a path to rapid learning.

  3. I commit to feeling my feelings all the way through to completion. They come, and I locate them in my body then move, breathe and vocalize them so they release all the way through.

  4. I commit to saying what is true for me. I commit to being a person to whom others can express themselves with candor.

  5. I commit to ending gossip, talking directly to people with whom I have an issue or concern, and encouraging others to talk directly to people with whom they have an issue or concern.

  6. I commit to the masterful practice of integrity, including acknowledging all authentic feelings, expressing the unarguable truth and keeping my agreements.

  7. I commit to living in appreciation, fully opening to both receiving and giving appreciation.

  8. I commit to expressing my full magnificence, and to supporting and inspiring others to fully express their creativity and live in their zone of genius.

  9. I commit to creating a life of play, improvisation, and laughter. I commit to seeing all of life unfold easefully and effortlessly. I commit to maximizing my energy by honoring rest, renewal and rhythm.

  10. I commit to seeing that the opposite of my story is as true or truer than my original story. I recognize that I interpret the world around me and give my stories meaning.

  11. I commit to being the source of my security, control and approval.

  12. I commit to experiencing that I have enough of everything… including time, money, love, energy, space, resources, etc.

  13. I commit to seeing all people and circumstances as allies that are perfectly suited to help me learn the most important things for my growth.

  14. I commit to creating win for all solutions (win for me, win for the other person, win for the organization, and win for the whole) for whatever issues, problems, concerns, or opportunities life gives me.

  15. I commit to being the resolution or solution that is needed: seeing what is missing in the world as an invitation to become that which is required.


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